MSHA Refresher Training
MSHA Refresher Training will be held on January 25, 26 February 1,2,8,9
MSHA Refresher Training will be held on January 25, 26 February 1,2,8,9
Foreman’s class will be held at the Training Center at 7 AM on February 16.
Code update class will be held at the Training Center at 7 AM on February 9.
This class can be used for your Maryland Masters license re-certification.
Rigging and Signaling will be held at the Training Center at 7 AM on February 9,10, and 16.
CPR class will be held at the Training Center at 6 PM on February 4,5,6, and 7. Pick one date.
MSHA Re certification class will be held at the Allegany College of MD at 7 AM until 4 PM on February 2, 3, 23, 24
You will only need to sign up for one of these classes
OSHA 30 class will be held at the Training Center at 7 AM on January 19, 20, 26, 27
New Miner MSHA class will be held at Allegany College of MD on January 12 and 13 from 7 am until 4 pm
HVAC class will be held at the Training Center at 7 PM on November 6, 8, 13, 15, 20, 22
There will also be a HVAC license test as part of this class
Class starts for 3rd, 4th, and 5th years. West Virginia license, Drivers License and Drug card is needed the first night
OSHA 10 course from 6 PM until 9:30 PM each night
Please call the school to sign up for this class
School starts for 1st and 2nd year at 7 PM. Drivers License, Drug Card, and West Virginia License needed the first night of class
Meeting at Allegany College of Maryland in the continuing Education Building.
7:00 PM Start
Attendance is mandatory for all apprentices